Supertest 450
SP Laboratories

Supertest 450

Injectable Anabolic Androgenic Steroid
Active ingredients:
- 32 mg/ml of Testosterone Acetate
- 147 mg/ml of Testosterone Decanoate
- 73 mg/ml of Testosterone Propionate
- 73 mg/ml of Testosterone Phenylpropionate
- 125 mg/ml of Testosterone Cypionate
Manufacturer: SP Laboratories
Amount: 1 X 10 mL Vial (450 mg/ml)

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Supertest 450 Detailed

Drug Class: Injectable Anabolic Androgenic Steroid
Pharmaceutical Name: Supertest 450
Chemical Name: Testosterone Mix
Chemical Abstract Name: -
Molecular Structure: -
Molecular Weight: - g/mol
Active Half Life: 7-8 Days
Dosage: 250-1000 mg/week
Acne: Yes
Water retention: Yes
High blood pressure: Perhaps
Hepatotoxicity: No
Aromatization: Yes
Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Testes-Axis suppression: High
Manufacturer: SP Laboratories
Country: Europe
Presentation: Supertest 450 for sale - 1 x 10 ml х 450 mg

Buy Supertest 450 Online | Testosterone Mix for Sale

Commercial Names: Sustrone, Sustanon, Sustaxyl, Estandron, Andropen, Pentadex, Induject, Pharma Sust, Omnadren, Hexadex, Super-Test, Gonadon, Sustamed, Omnis, Testosteron Mix.

Supertest 450 - Testosterone Mix - SP Laboratories

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