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  • Testosterone Suspension

    Are you preparing for a bodybuilding show? Are you anxious about the possibility of being tested for performance enhancing drugs? Let’s face it – most bodybuilders, even in natural federations – use steroids.

  • Fat Burning

    Tren is a great fat burner and therefore, you can use it both on and off season. How it works is that it burns fat through a rise in IGF and prostaglandins.

  • Dianabol Dosage

    The chemical name for Dianabol is methanedienone or methandrostenolone, and there are several generic and pharmaceutical varieties such as Naposim and Anabol.

Turanabol Tablets

Turanabol Tablets

Oral Anabolic Androgenic Steroid
Active ingredient: Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone
Manufacturer: British Dragon
Amount: 1 Sachet X 100 Tabs (10 mg/tab)

36.00 USD
  • Turanabol Tablets how does it works?

    Buy Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone Online | Turanabol Tablets for Sale

    Drug Class: Oral Anabolic Androgenic Steroid

    Pharmaceutical Name: Turanabol Tablets

    Chemical Name: Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone

    Chemical Abstract Name: 8R,9S,10R,13S,14S,17S)-4-chloro-17-hydroxy-10,13,17-trimethyl-7,8,9,11,12,14,15,16-octahydro-6H-cyclopenta[a]phenanthren-3-one

    Molecular Structure: C20H27ClO2

    Molecular Weight: 334.89 g/mol

    Elimination Half Life: 16 Hours

    Dosage: Men 20-50 mg/day; Women 10-2- mg/day

    CAS Number: 2446-23-3

    Presentation: Turanabol Tablets for sale - 1 x 100 x 10 mg

    Manufacturer: British Dragon Pharmaceuticals

    Country: Thailand

    Acne: No

    Water retention: No

    High blood pressure: No

    Hepatotoxicity: Low

    Aromatization: No

    DHT Conversion: No

    HPTA suppression: Insignificant

    Androgenic index: No data

    Anabolic index: >100

    Estrogenic activity: No

    Progestogenic activity: No data (maybe very low)

    Product Description: Oral-Turinabol (Turanabol) - anabolic steroid developed in East Germany during the "Cold War" by scientists "of the German State Doping Machine", with the aim of breaking the Olympic doping control. Participants in the experiment were more than 10,000 athletes who did not know that are taking steroids under the guise of vitamins.

    Turanabol is actually a derivative of Methandrostenolone. It is connected with Methandrostenolone in the fourth position with chlorine. This makes it more a soft steroid in androgenic terms, compared with Methandrostenolone. Anabolic activity of Turanabol is slightly lower than that of Methandrostenolone. All this means that Turanabol is very beneficial for the construction of the muscle mass, without androgenic side effects such as greasiness of the skin, acne, aggressiveness.

    Also, the addition of chlorine in 4 position prevents its aromatization. Therefore, Turanabol will not give its user water retention and gynecomastia.

    Turanabol provides quality weight gain, with better density and muscle tone. In bodybuilding this drug is used during the precompetitive preparation. In athletics, this drug is mainly used in high-speed types where it is important dry mass, without excessive accumulation of water or fat.

    Typical dosage for Turanabol - 20-40mg per day for men, and 5 mg for women.

    Its effect puts it on the same place with Stanozolol, Oxandrolone and Primobolan.

    Commercial Names: LIXUS T-Bol, Turinadex, Turanabol, Oral Turinabol, Veyron Pharma T.B 0.10, Turanabolic, Turanabol 10MG, Turanaplex, Turanaxyl, Turinabol.

    Turanabol Tablets - Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone - British Dragon

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Anabolic Steroids – Building a Better Bodybuilder

When you buy steroids online, you need to be aware of what you are purchasing. Not every drug is going to give you the effects that you want in your chosen timeframe. Before you buy steroids, you should do some research and find the steroid regimen that is right for you. Some of the most common types offered are Winstrol, Dianabol and Sustanon. All three are very well known and effective anabolic steroids and all three have their advantages and disadvantages, some of which will be discussed below.


  • Total: 0.00 USD


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  • Androgenic Anabolic Steroids

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  • Anabolics and Your Body

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  • Best Muscle Building Compounds

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  • Side Effects

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