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Anavar 50

Anavar 50

Synthetic Anabolic Steroidal Agent
Active ingredient: Oxandrolone
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Amount: 1 X 100 tabs (50 mg/tab)

254.00 USD
  • Anavar 50 how does it works?

    Drug Class: Oral Androgenic Anabolic Steroid
    Pharmaceutical Name: Anavar
    Chemical Name: Oxandrolone
    Chemical Abstract Name: 17α-Methyl-17β-hydroxy-2-oxa-[5α]-androstan-3-one
    Molecular Structure: C19H30O3
    Molecular Weight: 306.44 g/mol
    Active Half Life: 7-12 Hours
    Dosage: Women 5-20 mg/day; Men 20-80 mg/day
    Acne: Rarely
    Water retention: No
    High blood pressure: No
    Hepatotoxicity: Yes. Toxicity is low in average doses
    Aromatization: No
    Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Testes-Axis suppression: Depend on Dose
    DHT Conversion: Low
    Cycle: Cutting and Fat Loss
    Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
    Country: Europe
    Presentation: Anavar for sale - 1 x 100 х 50 mg

    Buy Anavar Online | Oxandrolone for Sale

    Oxandrolone was produced in 1964 by the American company Searle Co and distributed in the US market for over 25 years under the brand name Anavar.

    First experiments on rats have shown a sharp nitrogen decrease in the urine of tested animals. It also reflected the protein synthesis increase in muscle fibers and at the same time, almost no noticeable muscle growth.

    American Anavar production was phased out in July 1989, but its analogues continue to be issued until now.

    Anavar Application and Effects

    Unlike the vast majority of anabolic steroids, Anavar is mainly used beyond sports. This drug has also got widely usage in medical practice. As concerns sports, Anavar is mostly used in athletics and swimming. In power sports as bodybuilding, weightlifting, barbell, strongman it is taken rarer. The main reason of its rare use by athletes is a very high price.

    Anavar dramatically increases the synthesis of creatine phosphate in the muscle fibers, which provides a significant increase in strength, while not causing a significant weight growth. This feature is usually appreciated by athletes that prefer lighter weight classes. Gain in power is the main advantage of Anavar. As concerns bulking, it is hardly justifiable to use it in such cycle, because of its high price.

    Despite the fact that Anavar stabilizes the androgen receptor even better than testosterone, it does not lead to a significant increase in muscle mass, even if it is taken in very high dosages.

    However, Anavar is perhaps the most powerful anti-catabolic drug. As steroid receptor antagonists, it prevents glucocorticoid receptor activation. That is why this drug is often taken between cycles for the purpose of keeping muscle mass gained (in combination with Andriol or Testosterone Undecanoate), as well as in pre-competition period, when the Testosterone Propionate usage is undesirable.

    By the way, except anti-catabolic activity, Anavar has another useful feature. It almost does not affect the body natural testosterone production.

    In addition the main purpose of Anavar is preparing for a competition or tournament. A number of researches have observed the stabilization of androgen receptor, which affects on fat burn properties of Anavar. Moreover, Anavar usage leads to a pronounced of androgen receptors up-regulation (amount increase) in adipose tissue. This is another fact, testifying to the fat burning effect. That is why a lot of athletes prefer to use Anavar for fat loss and in cutting cycles.

    Anavar in combination with Fluoxymesterone or Drostanolone increases the muscle stiffness, which is rather useful on the threshold of the competition. Last but not the least, Anavar completely leaves the body for 10-12 days. So it can be taken in pre-competitive phase, in particular, if the competition presupposes doping control.

    Anavar Side Effects

    Certainly positive feature of Anavar is that it almost does not have negative side effects. Along with Primobolan injection (Methenolone), Anavar is the safest anabolic steroid. Anavar does not aromatize, even if is taken in high dosages and it does not affect on natural endogenous testosterone production. Therefore, it is possible to use Anavar between cycles in order to prevent the muscle mass loss.

    The only thing that may spoil the impression is 17-alpha-alkylated group. In other words, Anavar is potentially dangerous to the liver. However, liver failure caused by this steroid has never been noted. Also, Anavar may cause diarrhea, especially for high dosages. However, diarrhea occurs in minority of cases and it is not life-threatening.

    Anavar Dosage

    It's worth nothing that increase in power may appear only starting from the daily dosage of 50 mg of Anavar. Nevertheless, even taking 150 mg per day will not cause significant increase in muscle mass without combining it with other anabolic steroids.

    Between steroid cycles daily dosage may be reduced to 30-40 mg. Because of its half-life (8-9 hours), Anavar daily dosage should be divided into three equal parts and taken at the same regular intervals.

    Anavar Stack and Cycle

    As was mentioned above, the main purpose of Anavar is not "bulking". Nevertheless, Anavar may be taken as a support to Testosterone or Nandrolone, or in "oral" cycles, in stack with Dianabol or Oxymetholone.

    During the cutting cycle, Anavar enhances effectiveness of Clenbuterol and shows great results in fat burning process. It is also advised to stack Anavar with either Stanozolol or Fluoxymesterone.

    To increase the power performance without significant mass increases it is recommended to combine Anavar with Stanozolol. On the threshold of competition, combination of Oxandrolon with Drostanolone or Fluoxymesterone gives your muscles stiffness. Finally, in intervals between steroid cycles Anavar may be combined with Andriol or Methenolone to preserve muscle tissue.

    Anavar Effects On Women

    Anavar is almost an ideal drug for use not only by women, but also by young athletes. Anavar does not lead to virilization in general. Moreover, Anavar does not affect on growth zones. However, it is recommended to take lower dosages (between 20-30 mg per day).

    Buy Anavar Online

    The price of Anavar is much higher than other oral anabolic steroids. However free side effect features make Anavar one the most favourite anabolic steroid among women, beginners and those who would like to preserve muscle tissue and to avoid all negative estrogenic side effects of AAS, like water retention, fat storage, oily skin, hair loss, acne, high blood pressure and etc.

    Now you have a unique opportunity to buy Anavar manufactured by Dragon Pharma from best steroid shop to get steroids online.

    Commercial Names: Oxan, Bonavar, Var, Oxanabol, Anvar, Oxandrolonus, Anavar, Oxandroxyl, Oxandrins, Oxandrolon, Oxanodex, Oxandrin, Oxandrol.

    Anavar - Oxandrolone - Dragon Pharma

    anavar for sale

Online Anavar 50 Reviews

  • Jan 4, 2017 (10:25)

    Good instant results. Partly due to water retention but still a lot of mass gained in 3 weeks of pure muscle. Good for beginner.

  • Nov 9, 2016 (10:04)

    just got my anavar in the mail today. i cant wait to try this cycle. i thought i was gonna get scammed but u guys are legit. i am one happy customer.

  • Sep 20, 2016 (13:02)


  • Apr 25, 2016 (08:19)

    first order was small wasn’t sure if it would show up but it did and it worked great gained about 14lbs.

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Anabolic Steroids – Building a Better Bodybuilder

When you buy steroids online, you need to be aware of what you are purchasing. Not every drug is going to give you the effects that you want in your chosen timeframe. Before you buy steroids, you should do some research and find the steroid regimen that is right for you. Some of the most common types offered are Winstrol, Dianabol and Sustanon. All three are very well known and effective anabolic steroids and all three have their advantages and disadvantages, some of which will be discussed below.


  • Total: 0.00 USD


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