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Enantat 250

Enantat 250

Injectable Anabolic Steroid
Active ingredient: Testosterone Enanthate
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Amount: 1 X 10 ml (250 mg/ml)

47.00 USD
  • Enantat 250 how does it works?

    Drug Class: Injectable Anabolic Steroid
    Pharmaceutical Name: Enantat
    Chemical Name: Testosterone Enanthate
    Chemical Abstract Name: (17β)-3-Oxoandrost-4-en-17-yl heptanoate
    Molecular Structure: C26H40O3
    Molecular Weight: 400.6 g/mol
    Active Half Life: 14-16 Days
    Dosage: 250-1000 mg/week
    Acne: Yes
    Water retention: Yes
    High blood pressure: Perhaps
    Hepatotoxicity: No
    Aromatization: Yes
    Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Testes-Axis suppression: High
    DHT Conversion: High
    Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
    Country: Europe
    Presentation: Enantat 250 for sale - 1 x 10 ml х 250 mg

    Buy Enantat 250 Online | Testosterone Enanthate for Sale

    Enantat 250 by Dragon Pharma represents an injectable anabolic steroid, which contains 250mg per 10 ml of the anabolic hormone Testosterone Enanthate and is commercialized in a 10 ml vial. It worth nothing that Enantat 250 is unsolvable in water, and contrariwise it is very soluble in vegetable oils or in ethers. Moreover, Enantat 250 produce a slow time-release of testosterone in the blood system that’s why is not recommended to inject Enantat 250 very frequent.

    Enanthate is the basic anabolic steroid, for this reason practically every athlete stacks Enantat 250 in any anabolic cycle. Also this pharmaceutical is a steroid with high androgenic influence. Such features provide quality and fast muscles buildup and rising desire of having sex. Testosterone Enanthate which is contained in Enantat 250 is responsible for development of the male sex organs, for the normal growth and for maintenance of secondary sex characteristics. The results which may be reached are: growing of seminal vesicles, prostate, penis, scrotum and developing of male hair distribution, vocal cord thickening, laryngeal enlargement, fat distribution and alterations in body musculature.

    Testosterone Enanthate Cycle and Dosage

    Enantat 250 produces aromatization, for this reason at the end of cycle may appear different side effects. That’s why athletes who take Enantat 250 permanent stack this drug with Anastrozole (buy Arimixyl), Methenolone Enantate (buy Primoxyl 100) or Tamoxifen (buy Nolvaxyl), to ensure the estrogen at a low level. For bodybuilders that take high dosages of Enantat 250 is advised to stack it with Letrozole (buy Letroxyl) and Exedrol (buy Aromaxyl).

    At the bulking cycle to get more efficient results athletes may combine Enantat 250 with Equipoise, Nandrolone Decanoate or Methandienone. Bodybuilders and athletes, for a cutting cycle, prefer to associate Enantat 250 with Oxandrolone, Trenbolone or Stanozolol.

    At the end of cycle, is importantly for athletes to stack Enantat 250 with Tamoxifen, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin and Clomid for 21 days, because usage of Enantat 250 reduce natural body’s testosterone production. Such combination of drugs will ensure restoring of testes functionality and the pituitary gland.

    Female may use Enantat 250 too, but at a lower dosages. The recommended effective dose for women is 50-100 mg per week. Men may use 500-1250 mg per week, injecting Enantat 250 two times a week with aim to keep the blood levels at a necessary rate.

    Commercial Names: Enanthate, Test E, Delatestryl, Testobolin, Testonova, TestaPlex E, Testoxyl, Enantrex, Testoviron, Nuvir, Testodex, Cidoteston, Cidotestone, Testofort, Menocare, Testabol, Asset-250, Testosterona, Testobilin, Androfil, Enantat, Enantbolic.

    Enantat 250 - Testosterone Enanthate - Dragon Pharma

    enantat 250 for sale

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Online Enantat 250 Reviews

  • Nov 14, 2018 (17:46)

    Dragon Pharma is my goto and this is quality that would reflect it. Greasy skin, hair growth, insane gains, the whole works. I'm just glad I know im not getting ripped off by some dude in a gym.

  • Mar 16, 2017 (13:36)

    First cycle, so don't have any experience to compare it to, just finished my cycle, I have put on a lot of muscle, can't hide the changes from friends n family, got a lot more hair on my chest too, real happy with how it all turned out

  • Mar 14, 2017 (10:15)

    Good Shit! BigBig results from 600 pw.

  • Feb 24, 2017 (10:39)

    There was a lot of whoha about this brand in the last 6 months for one reason or another but in all I am extremely pleased with results. I used the product mid cycle; I carried on growing, sex drive stayed sky high, I was driven and my endurance was incredible so in my opinion the oil is legit. Pin was smooth with next to no pip.

  • May 10, 2016 (07:37)

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Anabolic Steroids – Building a Better Bodybuilder

When you buy steroids online, you need to be aware of what you are purchasing. Not every drug is going to give you the effects that you want in your chosen timeframe. Before you buy steroids, you should do some research and find the steroid regimen that is right for you. Some of the most common types offered are Winstrol, Dianabol and Sustanon. All three are very well known and effective anabolic steroids and all three have their advantages and disadvantages, some of which will be discussed below.


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